About the Foundation
Renewed by the NABH Board of Trustees in 2020, the NABH Education and Research Foundation exists today to promote education and research to improve the care and treatment of behavioral healthcare; further improve the quality of behavioral healthcare facilities; and advance the scientific understanding of the knowledge of human behavior.
Since inception, the Foundation has funded an alternative payment study database of inpatient facilities, financed a research project on teens at risk, developed a quality assurance manual for member hospitals, funded several outcome studies and provided grants to other mental health-focused organizations.
Today’s Foundation looks to both field independent studies and partner with other organizations to improve members’ ability to support the behavioral healthcare needs of our country. What kind of data would be most helpful to you? Please let us know by sending a message to foundation@nabh.org.
Grants and Funding Opportunities
Potential funding resources and opportunities for behavioral healthcare programs and facilities are available via these links. Please read the program application criteria carefully for eligibility requirements.
Support the NABH Education and Research Foundation’s mission.
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail it to: NABH Foundation, 900 17th Street, NW, Suite 420, Washington, DC 20006. The NABH Education and Research Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by applicable laws.
The NABH Education & Research Foundation fields independent studies and partners with other organizations to identify and develop best practices and improve NABH members’ ability to support the country’s behavioral health needs.
The NABH Education & Research Foundation vision supports the NABH vision of a society that values and maximizes the potential of all its citizens by helping them achieve overall health. We believe healthy communities must recognize and respect behavioral health and allocate resources with fairness and equity as part of overall health.
Submit and Idea
NABH Education and Research Foundation Board

Jim Shaheen
Chief Executive Officer
New Season/Colonial Management Group, LP, Maitland, FL

Jessica Zigmond
Director of Communications
National Association for Behavioral Healthcare
Washington, DC
We are here to serve the members of NABH, and those they serve, to help ensure a brighter future for the entire industry.